Company Programs

Company Programs

Our ecommerce stores provide clients with custom volume ordering solutions for safety rewards, years of service, spirit wear and inventory fulfillment programs

Tailored around each client's goals and needs our platforms make it easy for the purchaser to select the items they want. Pre approved branded products secures logos and messaging so that branding remains clear and consistent

Work together with one of our dedicated brand agents to create a custom program that drives impact
Popup Shop Example

School Apparel Programs

This type of shop enables simple ordering for parents and students to purchase spirit wear without having to hand in forms at the front office. The shop is only open for a limited amount of time; when closed combine all orders placed into a single sales order to meet supplier minimums.

Sports Team Programs

Easily compile orders for your sports team or organization with this shop for a simple and effective way to order branded team wear. The shop is only open for a limited amount of time; when closed combine all orders placed into a single sales order to meet supplier minimums.

Simple Corporate Apparel Programs

Streamline the ordering process with this shop by allowing employees to choose their shirt colour and size. The shop is only open for a limited amount of time; when closed combine all orders placed into a single sales order to meet supplier minimums.

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Company Shop Example

Brand Control

Head offices can keep their brand consistent by offering a set of pre approved products so they don't have to worry about their brand being misrepresented.

Restocking Inventory

Setup this shop for managers or HR departments to restock branded products or for onboarding welcome kits when stock is low

Merch Shops

This type of shop is for brands who want a simple ecommerce solution to sell their branded merch to customers or employees.

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Safety Rewards Example

Safety Program

This store is setup to reward employees for working safe by offering branded products at various price points and categories. Points are rewarded to each employee to be spent online at the store. Custom logins and passwords with their points loaded into their account for a personal and memorable experience.

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Years of Service Example

Awards Program

This program gives thanks to employees for their continued service over the years by letting them choose a gift they want. Logged in employees will only be able to see and choose from a selection of branded gifts in their determined category.

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Employee Recognition Example

Christmas Holiday Store

Launch a holiday store that makes it simple for employees to choose a branded gift from a catalogue of branded products for a unique and memorable gifting experience.

Company Shop

Gift employees a dollar amount linked to their store account allowing them to purchase various branded merch. Employees can choose to purchase additional items by credit card.

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